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1  Форум (только русский) / Скрипты и программы / Proxy List Free - Hide My IP on: January 27, 2020, 05:50:12 PM
Proxy List Free - Hide My IP

Скройте ваш IP и вашу активность в интернете с помощью Proxy List Free. Мгновенный доступ к заблокированному контенту и веб-сайтам! Мы не просто предоставляем списки прокси серверов, мы выступаем за свободу в интернете начиная с 2006 года. В нашем расширении вы найдете 22 сервера из 5 стран мира, которые доступны каждому желающему БЕСПЛАТНО. Для использования сервиса, вам: НЕ НАДО предоставлять электронную почту, НЕ НАДО проходить регистрацию, НЕ НАДО делать предоплату! Вы мгновенно получаете Общий PIN, который позволит вам начать пользоваться сервисом.

При желании вы можете сгенерировать Персональный PIN (БЕСПЛАТНО), который даст вам возможность выбирать сервер в пределах страны и приоритет соединения (более высокая скорость).

Сервис 100% БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ и финансируется за счет добровольных пожертвований. Каждый участник (за его щедрость и поддержку) получает эксклюзивные привилегии: НЕОГРАНИЧЕННУЮ скорость и ДОСТУП ко всем 134 серверам.

Не волнуйтесь, если вы не можете помочь проекту финансово, у вас есть возможность внести свой вклад, рассказывая о нем другими! Поделившись расширением, вы получаете Эксклюзивный PIN бесплатно.
2  Forum (only english) / Scripts and programs / Proxy List Free - Hide My IP on: January 27, 2020, 05:44:38 PM
Proxy List Free - Hide My IP

Hide your IP address with Proxy List Free and keep your online activity private. Easily access blocked content and websites! We are not just a proxy list provider, we are advocates for internet freedom since 2006. Our extension contain 22 servers from 5 different countries which can be used by anyone FREE of charge. No email, No registration, No prepayment is required! You will instantly get a Shared PIN to start using the service.

Optionally you can generate a Personal PIN (FREE of charge) which gives you ability to select a server within a country and connection priority (higher speed).

Service is 100% FREE and funded by voluntary donations. Every contributor (for their generosity and support) is rewarded with exclusive privileges: UNLIMITED speed and ACCESS to all 134 servers.

Do not worry, if you cannot help a project financially, you can still contribute by spreading the word! Share Extension and get a Contributor PIN for free.
3  Forum (only english) / General discussions / Re: I am moving overseas and was told if i get a "phantom Ip" my comp will ... on: December 21, 2018, 11:28:09 AM
Thanks for your question and I am not sure if you found solution or not yet. BUT I am sure some other users may come across this page. So the solution exist... simply install our Best Proxy Switcher addon and try VPN locations, they work perfect with Netflix. If for some reason they will not work for your location, give a try to tool. Thanks for kind words and happy holidays =)
4  论 坛 (中 文 版) / 网 站 / Re: 支付方式 on: May 24, 2015, 09:46:14 AM
5  Forum (only english) / General discussions / Re: Different proxy types: Anonymizers on: June 06, 2014, 12:35:08 AM
We have launched our own anonymizer service (after continue requests from our users). Currently we have 11 different country locations. Similar to other our service, our anonymizer has certain advantages over competitors:

1) Very high speed since we used only servers with 100mbit channel.
2) Caching (storing) graphic data on our server for faster page loading.
3) Only at our anonymizer you have video seek support!
4) Full support of iPad/iPhone devices (you cannot find this anywhere else)
5) URL encryption with random key (clean browse logs)
6) Legal SSL certificate for secure connections (10000 USD guarantee)

and much, much more sweeties =) Please check link bellow:
6  Форум (только русский) / Общие вопросы / Re: Как открыть,, на работе или в школе. on: June 06, 2014, 12:30:13 AM
После многочисленных просьб наших пользователей, мы запустили наш собственный анонимайзер. На данный момент доступно 11 разных стран. Как и все наши сервисы, наш анонимайзер имеет ряд преимуществ:

1) Очень высокая скорость за счет серверов с 100мбит каналом.
2) Кэширование графики на нашем сервере для увеличения скорости закгрузки.
3) Только у нас поддерживается перемотка видео роликов!
4) Полная поддержка iPad/iPhone планшетов/мобильных (такого нет еще нигде).
5) Шифрация открываемых адресов случайным ключом (чистые логи в браузере).
6) Официальный SSL сертификат для шифрации канала (10000 долларовая гарантия).

И еще много других вкусняшек =) Низу привожу ссылку на главный домен:
7  Форум (только русский) / Общие вопросы / Re: Типы проксей: Так называемые анонимайзеры on: June 06, 2014, 12:28:46 AM
После многочисленных просьб наших пользователей, мы запустили наш собственный анонимайзер. На данный момент доступно 11 разных стран. Как и все наши сервисы, наш анонимайзер имеет ряд преимуществ:

1) Очень высокая скорость за счет серверов с 100мбит каналом.
2) Кэширование графики на нашем сервере для увеличения скорости закгрузки.
3) Только у нас поддерживается перемотка видео роликов!
4) Полная поддержка iPad/iPhone планшетов/мобильных (такого нет еще нигде).
5) Шифрация открываемых адресов случайным ключом (чистые логи в браузере).
6) Официальный SSL сертификат для шифрации канала (10000 долларовая гарантия).

И еще много других вкусняшек =) Низу привожу ссылку на главный домен:
8  Форум (только русский) / Скрипты и программы / Re: Premium Proxy Switcher для Firefox on: June 06, 2014, 12:19:27 AM
Уже давно исправили, странно что забыли обновить информацию в топике. Мы также перенесли иконку программы в адресную строку, так как панели для адона в новой версии фаерфокса уже нет.
9  Forum (only english) / General discussions / Re: Lesson 5: How to bypass firewall and see blocked web sites (for advanced users) on: August 04, 2013, 02:18:02 PM
Oh, that's a little bit long delay with reply (sorry for that) but in case someone else will have the same question:

If you need 100% guarantee that local firewall or even Internet provider will not be able to block access to certain web sites then you have to try Golden Browser. This is our project which provides not just proxy but also ENCODES traffic. So nobody except you and our proxy servers know what web site you are accessing or writing. This is more like browser with VPN connection built inside.

Recently we updated it to new 3rd version and english version is temporarily unavailable. Meanwhile you can try russian one. There are just few labels written in russian, so you can easily use it (browser looks same as Google Chrome with exception of battery in left corner).

Here is the link to web site
10  Forum (only english) / Scripts and programs / Re: Premium Proxy Switcher for Firefox on: April 20, 2013, 03:53:45 PM
Thanks a lot for your bug report. We fixed the issue recently. Please download lastest addon from our web site:

With best regards
11  Forum (only english) / web site / Re: Are you still operating the site on: February 02, 2013, 01:25:53 AM
Sure, we are still running web site and started two new proxy services for regular and advanced SEO web masters: - the web site is packed with double secured proxy servers which are good for manual social advertisement. Also you can use it for uploading youtube videos or parsing data from gambling web sites. The main advantage of this web site is that you can select high speed and stable proxy servers from different countries: US, RU, CA, UK, NL, IS, UA and etc. Unlike any other dedicated proxy server provide, this web sites offers you the best price - just 1 USD per IP, plus from member area you select how much proxy servers do you need for each country. - the web site is dedicated to pro web masters or companies who does massive crawling. The proxy servers from are 30% faster because unlike proxy servers from they do not use double level anonymity (double anonymity means: one elite proxy is protected by anotehr elite proxy server). They also have lowest ping and built in custom engine, which prevents proxy servers from being blacklisted by remote site. Currently we have proxy servers from 10 different country locations: US, UK, CA, NL, LV, RU, TR, RO, DE, JP. We are adding new country locations by user requests.

Those two services are prefect for white SEO, just imagine you can easily crawl 3m search results from google or yahoo per day without entering ZERO captcha! You can upload thousands of videos to youtube or create twitter accounts. Shortly said: Scrapebox, Xrumer, SenukeX, Amazone, Craigslist, Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Ticketmaster, Twitter, Yahoo, Youtube are welcome at our service.
12  Forum (only english) / web site / Re: How to get VIP password to on: September 25, 2012, 09:08:41 PM
my sad mind is very sad because i am failed to download proxy.

If I understand you correctly, you experience some problem with downloading proxy list, am I right? Have you followed our video tutorials? Here are the links:

VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to use web site for FREE

VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to use your VIP code at the web site

Waiting for your reply
13  Форум (только русский) / Общие вопросы / Re: Какой прокси подойдет для моей ситуации? on: August 24, 2012, 02:00:45 PM
Ситуация стандартная - для такой задачи конечно могут подойти прокси с, так как 60% прокси имеют аптаим больше 15 дней, но что бы не рисковать, можно воспользоваться приватными. Преимущество приватных прокси в том, что они имеют 100% аптаим, высокую скорость и не меняются в течении месяцев. Вот к примеру у нас на можно купить 100 приватных ИП адресов всего за 25 долларов в месяц.

В большинстве случаев этого достаточно и больше ничего делать не надо. Но для улучшения результата, пользователь может использовать разные браузера для разных прокси, либо менять строку user agent с помощью адона. Перед использованием нового прокси, ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО надо затирать куки.

Самые отчаянные параноики могут поставить VMware Workstation на свой ПК и за 10-15 минут установить базовый Windows XP, а после продублировать в нужном количестве (copy/paste). Для каждой машины нужно выделить ОДИН прокси и прописать в настройках самой машины. У такого метода есть явные преимущества:

1) Пользователь может не волноваться, что он забыл затереть куки, после смены прокси.

2) Пользователь постоянно использует одни и те же куки, что положительно воспринимается веб сайтом.

3) На каждую машину можно поставить свой браузер или один и тот же, но разные версии.

4) В отличии от браузера, в случае с виртуал машиной ВЕСЬ трафик идет через прокси (исключен вариант палева через Flash или Java аплеты), нечто вроде VPN-а.

5) На каждой машине будет стоять свое системное время, соответствующее времени в стране, самой прокси (если вы пользуетесь US прокси, а на ПК стоит Московское время, то вас сразу вычислят).

В принципе тема очень большая и можно написать целую статью. Хотелось бы заметить, что вся информация приведена чисто в образовательных целях. Мы надеемся, что ни кто не будет ее использовать в противозаконных целях Wink
14  Forum (only english) / web site / Re: extra info about proxy in downloaded list on: August 19, 2012, 02:50:48 PM
Thanks for being our VIP member. The solution for your case is to get proxy servers via different download links. The KEY will be the same for all links but filter options may be changed. For example:




You may play with other options too.
15  Forum (only english) / web site / Re: Is there any way to get more proxies? on: August 07, 2012, 04:05:50 PM
Thanks for your reply and detailed explanation. Probably you confused something, it is imposible to get 30.000 proxy servers (except if you also cound dead ones). We do proxy check none stop in more than 600 threads in total and we hardly manage to surve users with 15.000-25.000 working proxy servers during a day. The only logical explanation is that you bought a BotNet and running your own proxy servers but 30.000 is too much and requires several dedicated servers to control them.

Anyway we will wish you good luck with your project. If you need any help, you can always contact us at any time Smiley
16  Forum (only english) / General discussions / Re: What is an anonymous proxy server? Proxy types: transparent, anonymous or elite. on: August 05, 2012, 07:27:06 PM
Thanks for all your questions, let me answer them:

1) The country origin metter than you have geo based project. The good example for that could be Craigslist or any dating web site. As far as I know, some users use US proxy servers for thir product voting. That brings their offer in top postions and help them sell it faster. As for dating web sites - some of them allow users from one particular country, in that case users use proxy servers to access web site. The best example of blocking users by georgraphical location is Pandora radio. They allow uses only from USA, so if you are from Germany, you will never be able to listen to that radio (which is not fair IMHO).

2) I guess you are speaking about Premium Proxy Switcher portable program. The idea is that this program provides users with all features he/she may need. There are no reason of saving file in seperate TXT file. Proxy list is saved internally and could be used via program.

3) First of all we are the oldest proxy provider on the market. We provide that service since 2005 and our prices are always the lowest. Only at our web site, proxy servers are checked none stop 24 hours and updated as fast as every ONE minute. That in turn means - when you download proxy list, you are getting only most recently checked and fast proxy servers. As for uptime - let's say 60% of our proxy servers have uptime more than 15 days. Plus unlike other serivices, we provide over 15.000-25.000 different working proxy server during 24 hours. So it is up to you to decide, where to buy proxy service Smiley

4) If you need proxy servers for third party program then you should try our proxy service for web masters - Since you are going to load more than ONE proxy at a time, the price at is higher than at web site.

5) Actually I will suggest to read very interesting article. It is easy to understand but it will explain all basics in proxy world: Which proxy is better: public or dedicated proxy, CoDeeN, BotNets, anonymizers
17  Forum (only english) / web site / Re: Is there any way to get more proxies? on: August 02, 2012, 09:50:15 AM
Thanks for becoming our VIP member. It is very strange that for 360 min you are getting only 2000 proxy servers, probably you set some filter option. Currently we have about 5000-7000 working proxy servers during last 5 hours. Unfortunately we do not keep proxy for longer period because it is hard to keep them updated every one minute. If you need to have 15.000-25.000 working proxy servers then you need to keep requesting our database during whole day. Please note that we update our list every one minute, so after 10 minutes you may get completely different list.

As for 50.000 proxy serves - that's completely impossible. Our central database includes over 75.000 different proxy servers but usually only 20.000 are working during 24 hours. In past we managed to offer users with 35.000-45.000 working proxy servers during 24 hours but nowadays it's hard to offer even 20.000 (we are the only proxy provider with that amount of working proxy servers). The only solution which came to my mind is BotNet proxy servers. Please pay attention that they have three problems:

1) BotNet proxy usage even for legal purposes is already breaking the law

2) I hardly imagine any BotNet owner who will allow you to use 50.000 IPs per day

3) The price will be above 2000 USD per month

If you have any other question, feel free to ask us at any time

18  Форум (только русский) / Веб сайт / ВИДЕО ИНСТРУКЦИЯ: Как пользоваться сайтом БЕСПЛАТНО on: July 31, 2012, 04:49:09 PM
Пошаговая инструкция как бесплатно пользоваться сайтом, а также как можно скрыть свой реальный IP адрес

19  Forum (only english) / web site / Re: Email with activation code not received yet... on: July 31, 2012, 04:44:57 PM
It is pity that you had that much problem. If you checked the link I gave you above, you would notice that you can recover your VIP code with PayPal transaction ID too. PayPal transaction ID could be found within the email you got from PayPal. Also, did you check your SPAM or JUNK folder? (the suggestion to do that is on our buy page)

If you need to change the email where VIP code should be sent then simply write us from the email, which you used for subscription. Do not worry about the time it takes to solve your issue, 30 days will be counted from them moment you will solve the problem.

Waiting for your reply


p.s. Please try to understand that only your email service provider decides which email should be marked as SPAM and which not.
20  Forum (only english) / web site / VIDEO TUTORIAL: How to use web site for FREE on: July 31, 2012, 02:55:52 PM
Step by step instruction how to use your web site for FREE and small demonstration how to hide your real IP.

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