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Forum (only english) / General discussions / Re: Lesson 3: How local firewall blocks some web sites
on: August 17, 2010, 05:40:05 AM
I am very impress that you could make such complicated matter into such a simple piece of information that could be absorbed so easily. In fact, you could really be a great teacher and things will definitely be much easier for us. In fact, I believe that firewall is indeed useful when it comes to protecting your computer. I understand that it works as a filter in a way that I will reject all the unwanted information and preventing access that could harm your computer.
Forum (only english) / General discussions / Re: The more I read the forums the more impressed I am.
on: August 17, 2010, 05:33:22 AM
Yeah, I have to agree with Coss too. I have learned numerous new knowledge and it has proved to be useful when I am surfing the net and of course, being protected from harm, such as phishing sites, privacy invading exposure, etc. if I have not read any of these, I might be a victim myself now. I bet all of us appreciate the work you guys are doing here. It really did increase self awareness towards unhealthy vibes.
Forum (only english) / General discussions / Re: Different proxy types: Anonymizers
on: August 17, 2010, 05:30:18 AM
I believe that not much of this information is known by others, in fact, this piece of information here could save lots of people and reduce the risk of losing their accounts. I personally agree too that this is a very serious issue as Facebook contains a lot of private information and it would be worse if it is related to Paypal as it relates to money. In my opinion, it would be best not to use an anonymizers at all.