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Author Topic: What is an anonymous proxy server? Proxy types: transparent, anonymous or elite.  (Read 2328943 times)
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« on: February 07, 2010, 07:12:47 AM »

I will assume that you already know what proxy servers are and how they work (case you do not know please refer to the article How to buy from Amazon or how proxy server works). You already heard terms: transparent, anonymous or elite proxy servers many times, so what is difference between them? First of all please pay attention that proxy servers work in the same way despite the fact to which type they belong. In all cases they are gateways between you and the server you are requesting.
What is transparent proxy server?
The transparent proxy servers change your IP to their own one BUT your real IP is still presented in the request. So if the web site (you are requesting) needs to get your real IP they will easily find it in your request (imagine like it is just moved to the different place).

You can think that transparent proxy servers are useless since they cannot provide you a privacy (hide your IP) but do not be so hurry with your decisions. Transparent proxy servers have another advantage - they are faster than any anonymous or elite one (since nobody uses them). For example: if you are going to bypass local firewall then transparent proxy servers are the best solution for you. You do not need to hide your IP from anyone; instead you are hiding the web sites which you are opening.

BTW sometimes transparent proxy servers are good to increase the amount of hits on your web site hit counter (I am sure you will do that only for testing purpose and you will never try to cheat like some other 'dishonest' users are doing Cheesy)

INTERESTING: if you are not using proxy server or using transparent one, your PC broadcasts your unique IP address. Every time you are opening a web page, the server where that page is located, has an information about your operating system (OS) and their for automatically exploit security holes in your OS. The one should not be a professional hacker with special knowledge to be able to hack your PC in that case. There are dozens of ready-made, easy to use and (warning) FREE to use software which any kid could use (please stop asking me where to get such tools, how to hack forum or email of your friend, I will not tell you Wink) With help of such software anyone can get access to all your documents, your private emails, your private pictures or movies you are keeping on your PC - thinking that they are kept safe and hidden from everyone Wink To prevent such illegal hacking operation there is one solution: you need to hide your real IP, so nobody will know the address of your PC inside the wide Internet network.
What is anonymous proxy server?
Anonymous proxy servers do not transfer the information about your real IP address. That means you are like a ghost in the Internet. Nobody has even a clue about your real location and thus they cannot establish illegal connections to your PC for information stealing purposes.

The only POSSIBLE disadvantage could be the fact that web site you are browsing could know that you used proxy server for connection (you may hiding your IP address). From the other hand, if user uses proxy server that does not always mean he is trying to hide his real IP address. In some cases, like when you are using mobile WAP Internet, all users are forced to use proxy server for their connections (basically for monitoring purposes).

That is why the fact that you are using proxy server for connection sometimes will be treated as normal behavior and anonymous proxy server will safely hide your real IP.
What is elite proxy server?
Elite proxy servers are the most secure ones, they have all advantages of anonymous proxy server in the subject of privacy (they hide your real IP) plus they are TRYING to hide the fact of using proxy servers for connection. In other words, they behave in the way like you are not using proxy server at all and the IP address you are providing, is your 'real' IP address. The main thing you should know about elite proxy server is that they are more secure then anonymous ones but exactly this makes them very popular among surfers that at the end causes their slow speed.

You can always check how secure your IP is hidden from web site by visiting following link: Show My IP

So in short way, the advantages and the usage of the proxy types can be described as below:

Transparent Proxy Server:

Anonymous Proxy Server:
  • Advantage: average speed, average privacy
  • Possible disadvantage: proxy usage fact is presented
  • General purpose: most suitable for 99% of tasks

Elite Proxy Server:
  • Advantage: high privacy, proxy usage fact is hidden
  • Disadvantage: low speed
  • Particular purpose: just very few cases when the fact of proxy usage should be hidden

WARNING: all material in this article are for educational purpose only Wink

Keep visiting our forum to read interesting articles Smiley Needless to say, if you have question related to this article or you are interested in something else, you are more then welcome to post your questions here Smiley
« Last Edit: September 28, 2010, 02:28:35 AM by HIF » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2010, 05:42:02 AM »

Thank You. Looked Through The Site And Found Many Useful And Knowledgeable Posts/How-To's,  I Guess For What I Need I'll Look For "Elite Proxies". Great Proxy Site! Thanks Again. -Gates
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« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 10:47:06 PM »

Thank you very much for such kind words. We will keep working to improve it. If you have any suggestion which article you prefer to see next please tell me and we will share our knowledge with others.

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« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 08:50:13 PM »

can i use a proxy for a mp3 64k radio stream
it is geoblocked outside usa
thank you
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« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2012, 11:34:36 PM »

can i use a proxy for a mp3 64k radio stream

Thanks for your question. Of course you can use our proxy servers to listen radio or even watch HD video. One good example is web site. It allows listening music users only from US. You can use USA proxy servers to access this web site and enjoy the same service as US citizens.

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« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2012, 09:36:14 PM »

Thanks for your reply
 Now the real story
I have ben relaying a boston radio (free form BCN) for 3yrs for people outside the usa using streamerp2p and was using a private shoutcast stream for sorce
and they just blocked it (it is a link from studio)

the budget is very low so i have ben using free us proxys  to relay
but so far they are not 24/7 they are ok for some time and then stop and start
buffer using winamp to tune with ogg dsp to encode to streamerp2p

so i supose my question is can it be done with a free proxy

its a good thing your doing
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« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2012, 12:22:19 PM »

That's important that you mentioned 'free proxy servers'. In other words you are looking for free solution, am I right? If you want to listen only Radio then you should try transparent proxy servers. They usually are faster than free anonymous ones. BUT you should understand that the main disadvantage of free proxy is that it is used by thousand of users at the same time. That in turn causes problems in streaming.

Currently we have updated web site where you can have all those high speed proxy servers which are available on for just 9.99 per month. We have developed Premium Proxy Switcher portable which works with leading browsers and makes proxy usage simple.

If you have any other question, feel free to ask

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« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2012, 07:06:53 PM »

Yes i am looking for a free soultion
i am in the caribbean with a very limited income
thanks fo the transparent proxy advice 
but maby i misunderstood this forum
your switcher looks very nice, wish i could afford it
but i only want to fool this one url  (
 as to my location, for this one stream only.
   do you know anyone willing to give
me free 64k bandwith in the states or am i dreaming
thanks for your time and replies
have a happy day
the nube

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« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2012, 10:29:59 PM »

I see! First of all you are lucky that this streaming radio is located on 80 port (http:// like URL). That means any proxy will work with such resource. At the same time I hardly believe that you will be able to find any ready free solution. But if you are not lazy and you are ready to spend some time then here you are:

First of all you will need Premium Proxy Switcher portable - it is absolutely free software. Secondly you will need to find any web site with free proxy servers or you can check forums where proxy servers are shared among users (you can easily find such forum with help of google). You can easily extract proxy servers from some web site with this proxy extractor tool. The main problems with such free proxy lists are that proxy server in such list are mostly dead or really slow. Luckily Premium Proxy Switcher portable has built in proxy checker.

So once you have file with proxy servers (similar to this format you can start the program and click on 'manage proxy server' from the menu. You will see a window like this. Click on 'browser' button and select a file with proxy servers. Now you can click on 'proxy checker' from the menu and click 'check proxy servers' button. The program will check all loaded proxy servers. At the end you will be able to remove dead and see rating for each proxy server. The more starts proxy has the better it is.

BTW the only difference between solution which I described above and VIP members is that - VIP do not spend time searching and checking proxy servers. We do proxy check none stop 24 hours in 300 threads on our dedicated servers. So they just need one click to have recently checked proxy list loaded in the program and ready to use. Since you are from Caribbean and you cannot afford VIP access we have free solution for you. For more information please contact us by email.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 10:59:48 PM by HIF » Logged

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« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2012, 11:56:14 PM »

BTW the only difference between solution which I described above and VIP members is that - VIP do not spend time searching and checking proxy servers. We do proxy check none stop 24 hours in 300 threads on our dedicated servers. So they just need one click to have recently checked proxy list loaded in the program and ready to use. Since you are from Caribbean and you cannot afford VIP access we have free solution for you. For more information please contact us by email.

Hif i have a couple questions about the premiumproxyswitcher
 i am interested in being a monthly vip but..

1- why does the country of origin matter when it comes to proxies? can u talk about a scenario in which the country of origin would matter? are chinese proxies bad? it seems to be readily available proxies from china.

2-when i run the proxy checker it says that i can save the proxy list. but when i click save the window closes on its own. where does the program save the file? its not on my desktop.
How do i save this list into a text file?

3- how does your service differ from companies that sell proxies in bulk for say $100 bucks a month? yet you are only offering your service for $9 is it because your proxies die quicker?

4. if i am  using a program which requires a text file list of fresh working proxies. how am i able to use your program to my benefit? is there any way to use your program consistently? it seems like with your program i would have to manually check the proxies every hour or so to see if they are still alive? you mention that vip dont need to spend time searching and checking proxy servers. can you explain more? if i am a vip member, will your program automate itself to check for the latest freshest working proxies? this will only function in supported web browsers right?

5. can you tell me the difference between a botnet, SSL/ connect, post&get proxy? i know elite is most anonymous and secure but what is all that other stuff?

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« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2012, 07:27:06 PM »

Thanks for all your questions, let me answer them:

1) The country origin metter than you have geo based project. The good example for that could be Craigslist or any dating web site. As far as I know, some users use US proxy servers for thir product voting. That brings their offer in top postions and help them sell it faster. As for dating web sites - some of them allow users from one particular country, in that case users use proxy servers to access web site. The best example of blocking users by georgraphical location is Pandora radio. They allow uses only from USA, so if you are from Germany, you will never be able to listen to that radio (which is not fair IMHO).

2) I guess you are speaking about Premium Proxy Switcher portable program. The idea is that this program provides users with all features he/she may need. There are no reason of saving file in seperate TXT file. Proxy list is saved internally and could be used via program.

3) First of all we are the oldest proxy provider on the market. We provide that service since 2005 and our prices are always the lowest. Only at our web site, proxy servers are checked none stop 24 hours and updated as fast as every ONE minute. That in turn means - when you download proxy list, you are getting only most recently checked and fast proxy servers. As for uptime - let's say 60% of our proxy servers have uptime more than 15 days. Plus unlike other serivices, we provide over 15.000-25.000 different working proxy server during 24 hours. So it is up to you to decide, where to buy proxy service Smiley

4) If you need proxy servers for third party program then you should try our proxy service for web masters - Since you are going to load more than ONE proxy at a time, the price at is higher than at web site.

5) Actually I will suggest to read very interesting article. It is easy to understand but it will explain all basics in proxy world: Which proxy is better: public or dedicated proxy, CoDeeN, BotNets, anonymizers

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