PLz help me. I am moving overseas , and my children love their Netflix cartoons. I was told that there is a way to assign my comp.
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address therfore I will still be able to view it. I am not computer savvy . But I am a "SUPER STAY at Home Mom" ;0) So I am determined to figure this out. PLZ help.
I am sorry for being late with reply. As I can see you are looking for the way to keep your country's IP even when you will move abroad. If your children are watching those cartoons on some web site ( then you can easily solve the problem. Let's assume that you are from USA and the web site with those cartoons have restrictions. They allow watching cartoons only by American users. When you move to Europe or Asian region your computer will go to internet with European or Asian address, so web site will not let you watch those cartoons. To solve the problem you have to use proxy servers. In your particular case you will use USA proxy server which will change your current location to American one. When you will try to access the same web site via proxy, it will think that you are not in Europe or Asia but instead, it will think that you are still in USA (may be in different state or city but still in USA).
The easiest way to setup or change proxy servers in browser is to use special program. We have good (FREE) addon for Firefox browser -
Premium Proxy Switcher. With single click you can change your computer's IP but it works only for Firefox browser. If you are using different one (Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Chrome) then I will suggest you to use
Premium Proxy Switcher Portable program, which is compatible with all known browsers. If you are in doubt how to use it, please contact us via '
live chat' and our tech. support will help you.