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Author Topic: Lesson 4: How to buy from Amazon or how proxy server works  (Read 256084 times)
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« on: January 20, 2010, 10:09:58 PM »

Nowadays Internet becomes very widespread and many of us use it to buy some goods online. At this time you can come across with a problem when some shop sends their goods only for some countries. Unfortunately like in the most cases, your country is not in the list. is the one good example of such companies. As they explain on their web site there are some stupid rules which prohibits them to send any electronic goods abroad Sad So if you are living outside of USA you will never be able to enjoy the same good quality computer hardware like it is sold in USA. Is there any solution for this problem?

Yes, there is a solution and it is very popular among those who like to order electronic stuff from They just lease USA address, or so called P.O. Boxes. At the time of registration they specify where all received goods should be forwarded and which postal company should fulfill the task: DHL, FedEx, Airmail or other ones.

But it is not the only advantage of P.O. Box. This kind of postal service makes your identity more private and secure since the sender company has no idea about your real address. Nobody will be able to fill your mailbox with stupid advertisement letters and brochures Wink The company from whom you have bought the goods knows only your intermediate address. When your parcel will arrive to your P.O. Box the original postal cover will be kept. They will just wrap it with a new one and forward to your real address, so no one will know that you used special intermediate address Wink

Proxy servers work in the same way and further more, some of them are free to use. Let's see everything in step by step mode. Your address will be my address, Amazon's - store address and intermediate company's (P.O. Box) - gateway address.

  • You send envelope to the intermediate company with instructions inside (including store address). So on the envelope will be sender: my address and receiver: gateway address.
  • Intermediate company gets your envelope and reads the instructions. They will create a new envelope with sender: gateway address and receiver store address.
  • When store receives envelope they will read what goods they have to send and where. Please pay attention that store have no idea about your existence Wink only gateway address is available. So they will make parcel with sender: store address and receiver: gateway address.
  • When intermediate company gets parcel they will wrap it and put new labels. The sender will be gateway address and receiver: my address.

As you can see your address is hidden from store and BONUS nobody at your local post office will know from which store you get that parcel Wink they know only gateway address where CLOSED envelope was sent Smiley That is what anonymous proxy servers are doing Wink

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« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 07:06:12 PM by HIF » Logged

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