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Author Topic: Lesson 5: How to bypass firewall and see blocked web sites (for advanced users)  (Read 542310 times)
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« on: January 21, 2010, 09:38:34 PM »

From previous lessons we already understood the principles how data (information) moves within LAN and how firewall blocks the web site. Also we know how proxy server forwards our requests. Now it is right time for final and most interesting lesson.

Baseline: we have local area network with Server which is gateway to the Internet. Our PC is connected to LAN and has IP We have firewall installed on the server which blocks (IP web site. Also we have working proxy server with IP (that is just a sample; do not try to use it Smiley).

Simple scenario (without proxy): you are trying to open in your browser. Of course you will get warning message that is blocked Wink What is going on behind the stage?

  • As we know first package will be sent to Server:
    Sender: (our computer)
    Receiver: (

Since we have firewall installed on Server it will check package against rules. Of course it will be blocked since receiver is (server of Such packages are not allowed for (our computer).

Solution (with proxy): We could send request to proxy server, asking to make requests for us. Lets configure Internet browser to use proxy server (IP and see how package will move in that case:

  • The same like with simple scenario first package will be send to the server:
    Sender: (our computer)
    Receiver: (proxy server)

  • Wow, we have faked receiver Wink so package will pass firewall rules and it will be forwarded to proxy server. When proxy server receives our package it will checks contents and see that we are asking to make request:
    Sender: (proxy server)
    Receiver: (

  • The request will be made and the result package will be returned to sender (proxy server):
    Sender: (
    Receiver: (proxy server)

  • When proxy server receives package, it will wrap it and changes the labels to:
    Sender: (proxy server)
    Receiver: (Server)

  • Server receives replay. Once again package will be checked against rules and since there is no as sender it will be forwarded to our PC:
    Sender: (server)
    Receiver: (our computer)

Finally our PC will unwrap package. We get original package from Wink So, nor our firewall knows that we request web site, neither web site knows our real IP address.

Go back to: How to access facebook, bebo, myspace, hi5, digg, youtube from school or work

Keep visiting our forum to read interesting articles Smiley Needless to say, if you have question related to this article or you are interested in something else, you are more then welcome to post your questions here Smiley
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 05:45:57 AM by HIF » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 05:58:14 AM »

Yes, the news has already stated that all the employees working and students employed regarding with internet computer operations should block all the social networking sites. So I decided to get some of the tutorials in accessing facebook but unfortunately it doesn't work. I should try this tutorial and hopefully it'll work.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 08:44:46 AM by Aceprint » Logged

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« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 09:33:04 AM »

Believe me that tutorial will 100% help to solve you problem. I worked as system administrator in a big company and I used to block access to some social networks by myself Smiley so I know how it works.

I you will have any difficulty with solving your problem please never hesitate to contact us via forum or live chat (middle section of web site’s header) if you prefer to make it faster Wink

We are here to help each and every internet surfer.

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« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2010, 09:08:09 PM »

And that is why proxies are so helpful and made for : to overpass any kind of censorship. Censorship means virtual dictatorship.  ;-)
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« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2010, 06:45:53 AM »

You are absolutely right Wink the democracy means freedom of speech, if some countries start blocking access to some web sites that means they control their users' will.

Internet is the best way to get thousands of different ideas about single fact. After, it is up to the person to make a conclusion which is right or even more, he/she could combine some parts from different ideas and create his/her own idea about the truth.

Or for example is some cases, some countries block access to adult web sites. I think that is not right too! It is up to the person to decide is that right content for them or not. Why someone should decide for them? They are adults and are not they are responsible for their lives by their own?

Some other countries block access to search engines for example. With help of user could easily find any kind of information within 5 minutes. The easiest is to control ‘blind’ person than the one who is well informed.
With help of internet it becomes more difficult to sail under false colors.

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« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2013, 02:50:07 AM »

hello HIF

im new here. Smiley

just to clarify. the firewall wont be able to recognize my computer? and i will be anyhow stay anonymous?

thx man!
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« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2013, 02:18:02 PM »

Oh, that's a little bit long delay with reply (sorry for that) but in case someone else will have the same question:

If you need 100% guarantee that local firewall or even Internet provider will not be able to block access to certain web sites then you have to try Golden Browser. This is our project which provides not just proxy but also ENCODES traffic. So nobody except you and our proxy servers know what web site you are accessing or writing. This is more like browser with VPN connection built inside.

Recently we updated it to new 3rd version and english version is temporarily unavailable. Meanwhile you can try russian one. There are just few labels written in russian, so you can easily use it (browser looks same as Google Chrome with exception of battery in left corner).

Here is the link to web site
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 02:20:52 PM by HIF » Logged

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« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2017, 10:26:22 AM »

HIIF, you have provided a great list for proxy websites.  But i have some concerns regarding using proxies. The thing is when you are using proxy websites to unblock content or bypass Geo restrictions, you are not 100% secured.
I use the best UK vpn to unblock content and stream online. but it has a price for the protection.
Do you another alternative? so i can watch my favorite programs online...
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