This question seems to be simple but only at the first sight. Usually when you want to see a certain webpage - you open a browser, type URL in the address bar and then click on
GO button. Just three visual steps but indeed there are times more operations done in background which you cannot see. The reason of hiding them is to simplify the process of accessing website from point of regular surfer. So let is the see what is going on "behind the stage".
Now you are ready to understand what is going behind the stage. When you type in the address bar and press GO button following operations are going to be done:
- Internet browser sends request to Domain Name System (DNS) to know what IP has domain name
- Internet browser gets the answer from Domain Name System (DNS) that is assigned to IP -
- Internet browser sends request to the server with IP -
- Internet browser gets text file from the server IP -
- Internet browser with help of HTML language gets the direction (translates) how to display that text file on your display
- That is it

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